Re: [Harp-L] SPAH 2010 #'s and....

On Sep 5, 2010, at 8:15 PM, Philharpn@xxxxxxx wrote:

> I didn't do a complete count, but I think there were only about 50 people 
> in the audience.   This means that all the discussion at the SPAH meeting was 
> limited to "preaching to the choir" because most of the members of SPAH who 
> attended the convention were not there. 

This phenomenon is not restricted to the SPAH annual meeting. My town is governed by Town Meeting.  That means every registered voter can speak on the issues of the day. There are over 7400 registered voters. The greatest attendance I've ever seen was a little over 400. Most meetings are attended by fewer than 150.  Yet everyone complains about how the town is run.  We've become a nation of consumers instead of citizens.

Ooops, I just fell off my soap box and bumped my head . . . what was I saying?  Oh yeah. I hope sincerely that more people volunteer their time for for SPAH and our humble instrument--and that's no joke.  I know I could use help with the web site, e.g., a proofreader with a gentle disposition, and content contributors.

We average over 15,000  unique visitors and 200,000+ hits every month. This includes the months after the convention when content trickles down to nearly nothing. Imagine how many visitors we would have if people contributed regularly.  I've got some ideas.  Contact me off list if you're interested in writing or submitting art work.


Bob Cohen
Principal, MojoTools Interactive Media and Marketing

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